Monday, 23 May 2022

Detected, Rejected

 These days, it seems like everybody's getting woke
These days there's mother fuckers thinking that you'll get diabetes from drinking Diet Coke
I didn't ask for your input, I'm gonna stick to drinking that or the usual, vanilla-flavoured Coke Zero
Stop jerking off to right-wing bullshit like Lauren Southern and that sister of Ben Shapiro
What do Pick Me girls like Kaitlin Bennett, Candace Owens and Sh0eonhead have in common? They're birds that flock together, always like to squawk
There's no such thing as the biological clock
Bitch please, this ain't the Caveman times
Damn right, I'm a gym girl that speaks in rhymes
La, la, la, la! No one asked for your opinion, human dress code
Watch it, buddy! Because every day, I'm about to go beast mode
I'd rather eat a cheeseburger & steak cut chips than eat a depressive bowl of salad
Boo fucking hoo, I ain't going to write you a ballad
I don’t trust a misogynistic Ukrainian Pole name Wlad
I’m nobody’s property, you mad?
Burn baby burn
Me being childfree is none of your bloody concern

I've been dropping rhymes since 1993
I'd rather have strawberry & lime flavoured Kopparberg and forever live my life childfree
Shhhh! You don't have a uterus, I don't wanna hear your opinion
Step the fuck back you treacherous reptilian
You're threatened by my choices
Don't tell me to shush just because I'm a woman of a million voices
You're just hungry for victimisation
By hating on other women for male validation
That shit is gross
I'm gonna go so adios

"Weightlifting is for men" misogyny detected, misogyny rejected
"Asian girls should be quiet and submissive" fetishisation detected, fetishisation rejected
"Don't wear a sports bra & shorts!" sexualisation detected, sexualisation rejected
"You're not British, you don't belong in the UK" racist detected, racist rejected
"Men don't like it when you wear makeup and dress sexy" opinion detected, opinion rejected
"That doughnut got calories" opinion detected, opinion rejected
"Eww, you go to the gym, you're fatphobic" opinion detected, opinion rejected
"You're always wearing black" opinion detected, opinion rejected
"You'd be pretty if you were a size 6 and didn't have a side fringe" opinion detected, opinion rejected
"You look pretty without makeup" opinion detected, opinion rejected

Bitch please, emo isn't dead
You're mad because I don't want you in my bed
Mother fuckers be wanting a big titty emo girlfriend
Mate, didn't you slag me off earlier on? You're such a bellend
I won't water down my authenticity
I won't be quiet and submissive, drop that misogynistic mentality
Get a dog if you want obedience
You better watch your back because I'll be choosing violence
Fuck the opinions of the Stone Age
Do you know who the fuck I am? I'm Thorn of Rage

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