That four-letter word we can't spell
That four-letter word we can feel
That four-letter word we all yearn for
That four-letter word we all hear
That four-letter word we all fear
Back then, my heart & soul were blind
Believing everything through those rose-tinted glasses
Eyes blinded by them faint erratic flashes
I grew up thinking that it was a sin
I grew up thinking that it was a wolf dressed in sheep's skin
I grew up thinking that it was similar to abuse
Lived in this world with every brutal bruise
Now that I'm older, learning a lesson about love is a blessing
When you love someone that is genuine, it'll start progressing
Love is not equivalent to obsession
Being possessed & oppressed by someone that doesn't love you, leads to depression
Now that I'm out of that nightmare, I've learnt to be the right person by loving myself first
No man deserves me at my best if he can't love me at my worst
Another thing I've also learnt is that family requires love not blood
After being dragged through the mud
By the ones I once considered family
They've given me grief and disloyalty
I don't need sympathy
I need empathy
Love has no gender, religion and colour
Surely requires no favour