Sunday 22 September 2024


 I'm gonna keep dressing like it's Halloween every damn day
Pass me a white mocha or a vanilla latte
That's right, I'm the CEO of making emo great again, I'm a motherfucking queen
Going to shows is my scene

Rawr, I'm a dinosaur
No wait, I'm a kitty cat
It's acceptable to girly dance to metalcore
Headbanging to A7X (Avenged Sevenfold), all hail the Deathbat
I'm running out of black eyeliner and nail varnish, I need more

That's right, I'm the CEO of making emo great again
I will remain undefeated
I won't let anyone take over my reign
I won't obey, I'm a mother fucking rebel
I'm a badass witch. Do you want me to read you a spell?

I'm never too old to mosh
Bunny boilers hating for no reason, oh my gosh
I'll bet they'll get their arse whooped in the moshpit
It's not my problem that your man thinks I'm fit
If this stanza bothers you, that's not my problem
Everyone knows you're probably cheating, such a scum
It's funny how I got bullied for my style
Now all of a sudden, motherfuckers wanna be me so badly, that ain't gonna last for a while

Black cats are metal as fuck
Their beauty and personality bring good luck
Donnie's favourite band is whatever band I like, especially Paleface Swiss
That's my boy, he gets another forehead kiss

No Mum, it's still not a phase
Make Emo Great Again is the catchphrase 

Wednesday 24 July 2024


 So, I wrote a two-part poem called Build-A-Bitch
So, now we're calling out those who get off to the rich
Now you got bitches and their Disney Princess Syndrome, looking for a fella who is in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes
Yet they're adding filters in their photos, exposing their own lies

Wake up, this ain't build-a-billionaire
That's like bragging about having an affair
What happened to look for character & value
There's different eye colours out there that ain't blue
That's like wanting to be with a chick that is built like MewTwo

Back off, sugar daddy
I'm in my bad girl era but I ain't a baddie
I don't want you and your money, I ain't interested in the old meat
I ain't interested in shopping at the high street
Please, I don't want to get diabetes
I also ain't interested in catching genital herpes
Don't expect me to apologise for my vulgarity
You want equality, you got equality

Wake up, this ain't build-a-billionaire
Meeting up for coffee or bubble tea is better than going to a fancy restaurant in Leicester Square
Marrying a fella from Dubai ain't a flex
I wouldn't be surprised if your marriage ended because he's probs obsessed with his ex

Tuesday 7 May 2024

MEGA (Make Emo Great Again)

 Along time ago
I sat in my room, rocking out to Guitar Hero
It has been an infinite escape from the C-PTSD factory
A place that screams misery loves company
And that is school
Where the idiots tried to take me for a fool
Thank fuck, I'm out of that shithole
One time, I discovered Kohl

So, let's make emo great again
Headbanging to A Day To Remember while writing poems and wearing black eyeliner, that's my jam
"You can't sit with us!" I don't want to, you can't follow me on Instagram
"You'll grow out of this emo shit!" That's a lie
The emo in me will never die
It was never a phase
Make my way to Sainsbury's to get myself a Kerrang mag on Wednesdays

Going to see my favourite band live is more my scene
I'm still that emo cat queen
Since my quads got bigger, I switched from black skinnies to black leggings
I ain't got time for South Asian weddings

Let's make emo great again
Let's go shopping in Camden
Yay! I see Pokémon
Gotta get them all before they're gone
Ooh this fit is cute and it's in black
I hear Teenage Dirtbag playing through the speakers, throwback

It's not a phase, mum
I bought all the clothes and eyeliner with my income
So, it's a lifestyle
Quoting lyrics on my MySpace profile
Girly dancing to Avenged Sevenfold, that's valid
More valid than your broken ballad

I'm still making emo great again
Got a paper and a pen?
Coming right back like a boomerang
You tell them, Smash Into Pieces
Gotta meet up with my cat gang
I'm hungry, I'm gonna have some Reese's

Another way of shouting SEGA!

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Pressure Academy

 Welcome to Pressure Academy
Where everyone's threatened by individuality
Everywhere it seems that high school never ends
Especially when you're surrounded by them, fake arse friends

All these years, I've been burning out
Good looks, good grades that's all they fucking cared about
Makes no sense that I got punished for being a Pokémon fan
Yet I get called boring for having self-respect because I ain't stealing someone's man

Parents should be proud that I catch Pokémon, not STD's
Yet they cared too much about GCSEs
These petty princesses are sporting that mean-girl energy
That shit ain't pretty
Just because I refuse to wear sarees and salwar kameez
They reek of jealousy, a dangerous disease

Spare me them Totodile tears
When you've all been ostracising me for years
All you do is pick & choose
Don't believe the truth, you lose

Hey you!
Don't tell me what to do
Just because you remember me from the same school
I remember the shit you did, they weren't cool
All these years, my soul was filled with guilt and shame
Leave me alone, I don't want to know your name

Fuck school uniform
I don't wanna conform
When I was forced to wear a skirt
I got accused of being a flirt
How I dress
Doesn't scream yes
No, I didn't ask
To wear this mask
Don't confuse my safety for selfishness
While you're mistaking assertiveness for aggressiveness

I don't miss Pressure Academy
They're responsible for the theft of my identity
I feel sanity
When I'm far away from the total depravity

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Shadow Of Silence

 I've waited so long for this mask to fall
These daggered eyes make my skin crawl
All these years, I've been trapped under this facade
I felt that my life was a fraud
The thought of being normal is the bane of my existence
I become so reserved, that I start to keep my distance

There I was, thinking that I was insane
When I was living through my pain
Dying to be seen
Dying to be heard
Destroying the things that make me happy, why are they being so fucking mean?
Shhh don't even say a word

It's time to end this masquerade
It's my time to revive and now it's your turn to taste this bitter blade
I don't believe in being the bigger person
Being positive all the time is such a burden
These unsolicited comments violate my soul
Don't give me that eye roll

Fear me, I am the shadow of silence
you'll know pain, you'll know the true face of violence
I'll burn your ego to the ground
Fuck that, I won't come around
Time to turn that fragile smile of yours upside down
You think you know me? Get outta town

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Bad Girl Era (Part 2)

 Everyone's favourite bad girl is back
That's me and I'm still allergic to every existing red flag
Aw, you don't like me because I wear black
Bitch please, don't make me gag

Good girls don't make history
I don't miss drowning in anybody's misery
Don't like the way I look? Well tough
Aww are you mad because you can't treat me like a puppet? Bitch please, don't make me laugh

Uh-oh, I ran out of fucks to give
I don't need you telling me how to live
You're so salty I think you need to remove sodium from your diet
That's what you get for expecting me to stay quiet

Achoo! I'm allergic to being called princess
I don't care that I'm hard to impress
If I was a Pokémon, I'd be a fighting fire type
Knock my foes with a flamethrower and a fury swipe

Does it look like I'm into dark romance
I ain't gonna give that crap a chance
No means no
Why can't you let it go
I have my own purpose that doesn't need to be justified
The good girl every weakling worshiped, already died

Karma's a bitch, right? 
I am Karma, I won this fight

Sunday 26 November 2023

Violence, I Choose You

 So, I woke up and chose violence
After all these years, I've been trapped in silence
Protecting my peace, keeping my distance
Put your fucking weights away, it ain't rocket science

I'm sick of stone-aged ickfluencers going to the supermarket and talking shit about food that we all like to enjoy
Can't believe that I'm about to name-drop oh boy
Yeah, I'm talking about Eddie Abbew
His mindset on nutrition rhymes with eww
Bodybuilders be claiming they're natty yet they're relying on them roids & tren
You promote eating disorders, I don't want to be your friend
No one cares about your 3 day fast
"Bagels ain't real food," Go touch some grass
All the fear-mongering shit you're trying to preach is a massive migraine
You and your disciples of delusion can stay in your lane

"Just trained arms" aka showing off this poseephat
Shout out to the legend, Nicole Drinkwater
Who is a pro at mocking ickflunencers
That record themselves and harass anyone that glances at them for a few seconds, fuck that

Mate, I said no
I don't want to go to your place and do cardio
"Why are you training upper body, you're a girl"
Your sexist comment makes me want to hurl
Leave me alone and let me listen to my music
The fuckery dripping down your mouth makes me sick

Now, this is the leg curl machine
That works on hamstrings, not G-strings
Get your mind out of the gutter, this ain't a sex scene
Lat pulldowns give you wings

The Thornologist used violence, it was super effective
Ickfluencers need to get themselves a new life that ain't defective